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大家是否还记得我们的校友,来自缅甸的伍庆祥(Hein Khaing)在这次疫情中,他努力向缅甸社会传递中国疫情的真实情况,用自己的行动表达对中国抗击疫情的信心和支持。让我们看看新闻报道吧。

Do you still remember our alumnus, Mr. Hein Khaing from Myanmar? During the period of epidemic outbreak, he tried to report the true epidemic situation in China to Burma's society, and express his confidence and support to China in fighting against the epidemic. Let’s read the news report.


At the very beginning of the epidemic and when all the external channels of Wuhan were temporarily closed, to be honest, we were worried. But later, when we learned that China had made the whole nation's efforts against the epidemic, and saw the positive actions and selfless dedication of front-line Chinese health care workers, we are touched and have more confidence. I think only China can do such things, this reflects the advantages of the Chinese system. The prompt action taken in China has also brought a valuable window of time for the world to prevent and control the epidemic.” said by Mr. Hein Khaing, Secretary-general of Myanmar Overseas Chinese Youth Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the interview on March 1, 2020.


Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, Burmese always concern about the change of the situation and the measures taken in fighting against the epidemic in China. The President of Myanmar, Mr. Win Myint, said Myanmar was ready to cooperate closely with China to overcome the difficulties. Burmese from various circles collected epidemic prevention materials actively and donated to China. Local people in Yangon prayed for China in the Golden Shwedagon Pagoda. The Burmese media, YTV Satellite Television Station elaborated a music video Wish the World Healthy to cheer for China. Hein Khaing published the articles such as How Should Myanmar View the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic etc. He analyzed the current situation of the epidemic objectively and rationally, combed the epidemic prevention measures and actions taken by the Burmese and Chinese government, expressed his resistance to stigmatization, spreading rumors and misinformation, and appealed “It’s a struggle for all human beings against virus. Burmese society needs to promote a humanitarian spirit and strengthen scientific and rational thinking...please give more tolerance and understanding to Chinese people.”


Hein Khaing studied at Fudan University before and got the Doctor's degree there. After returning to Myanmar, he persisted in publishing articles in Burmese and Chinese. During the period of epidemic outbreak, he tried to report the true epidemic situation in China to Burma's society, and express his confidence and support to China in fighting against the epidemic. He said,” Recently, I translated the article on the daily life and actions against the epidemic shared by netizens in Wuhan, Hubei Province into Burmese and published.” In these real cases, China is fighting against the epidemic with all strength. To stem the spread of the epidemic, people canceled gatherings and large-scale activities. A number of centralized hospitals were built in Wuhan in such short time... Hein Khaing said that these articles gained a lot of attention in Burmese society. Many Burmese netizens urged for online updates and cheered for China. “Facing the outbreak, the collective consciousness, the national unity and orderliness and the spirit of devotion of the whole Chinese society is so impressive. Myanmar and China are community of shared future. We should help each other. The international society should also be confident, solidary and cooperative to face the challenge together and go through the crisis as soon as possible.” Hein Khaing said.


Reporter: HAN, Chengyuan (Yunnan Daily)

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