学术论著 | 杜世超:父母介入的成婚方式是否会影响夫妻健康?




Du, S. (2023). (Un)Health from parental intervention: Does the marriage formation pathway influence married people’s health? Social Science & Medicine, 336: 116250.


Social Science & Medicine是健康与医学领域的国际著名学术期刊,致力于发表社会科学与医学交叉学科的研究。




The relationship between marriage and its health consequences has been well documented. Yet, little is known about whether health disparities still exist among married people due to different marriage formation pathways. Using data from a special module of the Chinese General Social Survey, this study examines the health effects of parental intervention in children’s marriage formation. Results show that parental intervention in marriage formation is negatively associated with married people’s self-rated health, but the association disappears after the selection effect is controlled for. These results suggest that the selection effect largely explains the association between parent-intervened marriage and its negative health outcomes among married people. That is to say, people with poorer health are more likely to rely on their parents for marriage formation. The findings are found in both husbands and wives and hold robust in multiple robustness tests. This study extends marriage-health research from the comparison between married and single people to the comparison within the married group.


杜世超,现任复旦大学bat365在线官网登录社会学系青年副研究员,主要研究方向为婚姻与家庭、社会网络、健康行为,及文化社会学。近年在Social Science & Medicine, Higher Education, Chinese Sociological Review, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Population Research and Policy Review, China Quarterly, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics等中英文期刊、SCI及SSCI杂志上发表文章十余篇。

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